Saturday, 4 January 2014

Essay plan

Started outlining the main points which I want to include in my accompanying essay. I started with identifying questions which I want to address in my essay and I think that this will give structure and focus to my essay:

1. what were the nazi human experiments?
-their purpose
-who they were carried out by
-the Nuremberg code

2. examples of nazi human experiments explained
-freezing experiments('useful' experiment from which doctors still use the evidence)
-gas experiments
-sea-water experiments
-bone, muscle and nerve transplantation
-altitude experiments

edited second paragraph:
I no longer want to write about so many different experiments that have been carried out. Not only it will be redundant as my essay is focusing on the ethical issues to do with the data collected, but it might also make my essay too long. I am now going to only write about one successful experiment from which the data could be useful, and another experiment which we don't don't need the data from. This will demonstrate if the experiments were futile or not.

3.arguments for using the data
-for the benefit of future generations

4. arguments against using the data
-cruel experiments
-the data from most of the experiments were not even used

5. The exceptions and final remarks
-buried beneath the Nazi human experiment data, there might be the sure to cancer, and the victims might decide to give consent for the data to be used for the greater good of the human population.

6. Conclusion
-sum up what I have previously said
-mu own opinion and back up with evidence

Things to ask my supervisor:
Should I write anything about Mengele; a famous Nazi doctor who dealt with victims in Auschwitz.

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